The salmon is migrating Northwards in Norway

The salmon is migrating Northwards in Norway. High temperatures and less ice makes the Norwegian Salmon migrate northwards into Northern Norwegian rivers. High temperatures leads to salmon deaths as it is observed in Norway. During some few years the temperature in Norwegian rivers have increased, as in one of the most prolific salmon rivers in Northern Norway, Alta river were the temperature has become 0.4 degrees Celcius higher during the later years.

This leads to less ice in the rivers durinrg the winter, which the salmon do not like at all. The ice makes it possible for the salmon to stay in one place in the river and build up its storage of fat in the body. The amount of salmon that dies during the winter will increase as the lack of ice will lead to higher activities amongst the salmon which will burn more calories and contain less fat and eventually die of fatigue. The association which is concerned with the preservation and organizes fishing in the rivers in Noway is very concerned about this development.

Their experience has been that the salmon adapts to the changes in environment, however the speed of change is to rapid for the salmon to react and adapt, so it dies out in some rivers. There are several indications that the salmon migrates nortwards into colder rivers and more salmon than before is to be found on the Iceland called Svalbard in the northernmost parts of Norway. This could indicate that Svalbard could become a fisherman's paradise when it comes to catching salmon. Although it has not been uncommon with salmon that far north before, it is just a fact that there are more of it now than a decade ago.


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